Saturday, 2 July 2011


Have you ever been stuck a boring place for a while doing lot’s of work and then you take a vacay and it feels like life could NOT get any better? That’s what Barcelona was like. We all got off the plane and just started screaming. We took a group trip to one of the top points of the city and took a gondola across to another large tower. So beautiful. Obviously we went out the first night and had a blast. The local people were all really nice to us; cab drivers, bar tenders, waiters, across the board super friendly. I’ve heard from people that Barcelona is not a very welcoming place but we felt right at home. I met a guy from U of Georgia and after making fun of him hardcore for going to a club alone (which I do all the time as well as most of my excursions in Spain) we talked and hung out all night. Of course I fly half way across the world to hang out with an American, but don’t worry the next day he introduced me to his friend who was from Italy and was living in Spain for five years. We went to a fountain show. It was SO cool. Fantasmic style awesome, but while we were there this butt-face started making fun of us for being American (in Spanish, like I don’t speak that or something). We got mad but he had a pony-tail and was wearing a denim tuxedo so the jokes on him.

We went to an Irish bar to see the Italian guy’s buddies play. They sang all American songs: covers of “Superstitious”, “Boots are Made for Walking” and lot’s of Red Hot Chili Peppers. They were really freaking good and the lead singer was DEFINATLEY on some very heavy drugs, but he had a really sweet beard so I’m totally not judging him. I think I might grow a really sweet beard…if I ever hit puberty.

The next day we went to the Picasso museum, which was sort of underwhelming. I did a report on him in class and was very excited to see the museum but I like his work in the Reina Sofia in Madrid better. The Blue Period room was very cool but we were literally DRENCHED from head to foot after a serious rainstorm so we were not the happiest campers.

The day after that I went to the Park Guell with that kid from Georgia. It’s so gigantic and beautiful. Then we met up with other kids in my program ate some paella and got the best crepes ever. Nutella, chocolate and banana. I just want to have that delicious formula in my mouth forever and ever. Later that night we went to a club called Cabaret Berlin where all the dancers were on these very strange apparatuses that moved across the ceiling from one side of the room to the other. They were very awkwardly draped over them. It was the opposite of sexy, although I think that’s what they were going for.

The last day there I spent at the out door Greek Theater, which was really freaking awesome. There weren’t any shows playing while I was in the city but the theater itself was really incredible to see. A beautiful park and garden surround it. It really made me want to do classical theatre outside. Then I downed a goffre (waffles sprinkled with powdered sugar and covered in either jam or chocolate). They are my new obsession. 

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